Auction4Cars Newport

Our online car auction is open exclusively to trade customers, offering a large choice of manufacturers you can bid on including BMW, Ford and Mercedes. 

Auction4Cars Newport is open five days a week to collect vehicles won at this location.


Queensway Meadow Industrial Estate, Newport, NP19 4SS

T: 0300 373 0866

Opening times

If you’ve won a car located at Auction4Cars Newport, we’re open five days a week for you to arrange collection of your vehicle.

  • Monday - 9am-4:30pm
  • Tuesday - 9am-4:30pm
  • Wednesday - 9am-4:30pm
  • Thursday - 9am-4:30pm
  • Friday - 9am-4:30pm

Register for free

Trade car buyers can sign up to Auction4Cars for free, with no hidden annual fees. Register for a free account today. 

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